Generate accurate and consistent position, orientation and heading
Our inertial navigation systems (INS) seamlessly integrate GNSS and IMU data to generate accurate and reliable position, orientation, and heading measurements for land-based mobile mapping vehicles.
Trajectory is recorded at up to 250 Hz and synchronised with LiDAR and other external imaging sensors. Once installed, our systems can be left to operate without needing repeat configuration or maintenance.
OxTS’ NAVsuite is a complimentary addition to every INS purchased from OxTS. It is used by surveyors across the world to configure their INS and monitor, post-process and analyse their survey data.
Sensor fusion and tight-coupling software allows data to be collected even in poor GNSS environments such as forests or urban canyons, whilst OxTS Georeferencer provides surveyors with the ability to create accurate, georeferenced 3D pointclouds.
Explore our products
Our INS solutions for mobile mapping deliver tightly-coupled GNSS and IMU measurements and support integrations with LiDAR OEMs including Velodyne, Hesai, Ouster, Z+F and Riegl.
Each of the hardware devices below comes with the free NAVsuite software toolbox enabling a range of key functionalities including post-processing.
Comprehensive technical support and integration guidance is included alongside custom developments and flexible, upgradeable product options.
OxTS Georeferencer and Boresight Tool
Create clear and concise pointclouds with OxTS Georeferencer
Learn more
LiDAR Inertial Odometry (LIO)
Fuse LiDAR and OxTS INS data in post-processing and significantly reduce position drift in urban environments
Learn more
NAVsuite for Survey and Mapping
Configure, monitor, post-process and analyse your survey data with ease using NAVsuite software applications
Learn more
Read our mobile mapping blogs…
We have been helping customers across the world with mobile mapping applications for a number of years.
Our mobile mapping blogs provide an excellent source of information for anyone considering purchasing an INS for a mobile mapping use case.
Top four considerations to make when selecting an INS for Mobile Mapping > >
Top three positioning systems for mobile mapping vehicles > >
Solution Brief: Land-based LiDAR Surveying
When architecting your own mobile mapping vehicle, possibly the most important aspect to get right is your source of localisation. It must enable you to accurately georeference your sensor data to a physical place on Earth.
This solution brief steps through the aspects that we recommend our customers consider when deciding on the source of localisation for their mobile mapping vehicles.
Read the solution brief to learn how why an OxTS GNSS/INS may be the right option for you.
Case Study: Ordnance Survey
Ordnance Survey were in need of a quicker, scalable and more cost effective way to collect georeferenced pointcloud data.
They engaged with OxTS and local channel partner Datron Technology to understand what was achievable. As a result they were able to create highly accurate pointclouds and reduce costs all whilst improving the efficiency of their mobile mapping operations.
Read the case study and learn how they did it.
Case Study: Panpro Team
Panpro wanted to improve road safety by leveraging powerful integration of LiDAR with accurate georeferencing tools.
Using the OxTS’ xNAV650 INS alongside OxTS Georeferencer, Panpro were able to use LiDAR technology to provide clients with highly accurate driver sight distances on dangerous road networks in Serbia.
Read the case study to learn how they did it.
Recorded webinar: Why is it important to use an INS with a mobile mapping vehicle?
Earlier this year we presented a webinar where we discussed the importance of using an INS in your mobile mapping vehicle. During the webinar attendees had the opportunity to learn more about:
- OxTS INS technology
- The challenges of mobile mapping
- How you can collect accurate position data even in tough GNSS conditions
The webinar was recorded and is available for you to watch here.
Inertial Navigation Software
Our software solutions support the use of OxTS products delivering key functionality including configuration, data display, analysis and manipulation as well as post-processing.
View software modules
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