Learn with confidence
An overview of NAVdisplay, including use of templates, adding and customising widgets, sending commands and using the Quick Config utility.
RT Core training
Our core training materials, looking at GNSS and Inertial technology and how this works together as an INS.
NAVconfig - how to install and configure an RT for optimal performance
OxTS best practice for installing and configuring an RT, and optimising your set up to get the most out of your unit.
Advanced settings for challenged GNSS urban environment - autonomous navigation and land survey
Covering the importance of advanced slip setting, GNSS-related settings, GNSS weighting, GNSS control mode, GNSS recovery and much more.
Advanced settings for LiDAR survey – drones applications
Covering the correct initialisation procedure for OxTS units mounted on drones, warm-up procedure for OxTS units mounted on drones, vibrations level settings, use of GNSS recovery and GNSS weighting options, and more.
How to Post process with NAVsolve and NAVgraph
Using NAVsolve to post process your data, including the use of different post processing methods, how to apply RINEX corrections, and how to interpret this data using NAVgraph.
RT Range Core training material
Our core RT Range training material, covering the functionality of the RT Range suite.
RT Range post processing
How to post process and interpret your RT Range data.